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Episode 1 – Discover Strategie, Geschäftsmodelle, Tech und Menschen hinter Plattform Ökosystemen

Zu Beginn der Episode erklären uns Alex und David ihre Rollen bei McFadyen und erläutern die Beweggründe hinter der Podcast-Einführung. Sie teilen mit, warum der Fokus des Podcasts auf der Plattform-Ökonomie, und insbesondere auf Europa liegt und welches Ziel sie verfolgen: mehr Menschen dazu zu ermutigen, in Plattform Geschäftsmodellen erfolgreich zu sein. Sie wollen anregen, wie in einer Disco die Berührungsängste mit der Komplexität des Themas zu überwinden und gemeinsam Mehrwert zu stiften und erfolgreich zu sein.

Der Podcast verspricht Vielfalt. Die Hosts verraten, über welche Themen sie sprechen werden. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt darauf, wie Unternehmen mit den Veränderungen durch Plattformen und Ökosysteme umgehen, insbesondere in Bezug auf Geschäftsmodelle und Operating Modelle, Branchenkonvergenz und die Rolle der Führungsteams.

Zum Schluss geben die beiden einen Ausblick auf zukünftige Gäste und nennen bereits zwei konkrete Namen für die nächsten Episoden. Diese Gäste werden über ihre Erfahrungen im Aufbau und der Entwicklung von Marktplätzen und Ökosystemen sprechen. Ein Gast kommt aus einem DAX Konzern, der andere Gast von einem führenden Mittelstands-Unternehmen in seinem Bereich.

About the Podcast

Gain firsthand insights into the challenges and triumphs experienced by top executives, providing you with the knowledge and inspiration to effectively design, build, and expand your marketplace initiatives.  

Platform Disco has episodes in English and German with new releases dropping 7 AM CEST every Wednesday. To learn more, explore the individual episode listings below.

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Meet the Hosts

Alex Pesjak


Alex is a seasoned platform professional who is passionate about creating value in ecosystems and platforms. With a deep understanding of strategy, transformation, and innovation, he is driven by the vision of a thriving Ecosystem Economy across Europe and beyond. Pesjak specializes in aligning purpose, ambition, and circularity to create strategic frameworks that drive success. He is skilled in transforming legacy businesses while simultaneously leading ecosystems through agile and dual operating models.

Alex has a 20 year Brand and Innovation Background in Coca-Cola and Kraft Foods while working as a consultant for the last 12 years in the fields above. With a passion for creating value for all stakeholders, he is dedicated to driving the transformation to networked business models and organizations. Alex currently serves as McFadyen Digital’s VP, EMEA as a leader in their Strategic Advisory practice.

David Detjen

Sales Director

David is a digital professional with over 15 years in e-commerce as well as on the operator and partner sides of the equation in a variety of roles. This experience, both operating a platform in the form of an online marketplace, and serving in more of a consultative role, provides David with a unique perspective, able to “walk in the shoes” of far more than most while providing solutions.

Prior to joining McFadyen Digital, David honed his skills at the likes of Siemens, Arvatis, Mindcurv (Accenture Song), and Eccelerate, helping clients to transform their digital commerce capabilities. With McFadyen Digital, David continues this work leveraging the advantages of composable MACH approach to technology while utilizing the latest platform business models to provide scalable growth to his clients.

Peter C. Evans

Chief Strategy Officer

Before becoming the Chief Strategy Officer at McFadyen Digital, Peter Evans was a Managing Partner at the Platform Strategy Institute, a consultancy dedicated to management strategy and application of platform business models across a wide range of sectors. Dr. Evans has over 20 years of experience leading teams in identifying, framing, assessing, and communicating high-priority marketplace trends and disruptions that support business planning and investment prioritization.

Peter received his master’s degree and Ph.D. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is a lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations and an International Academy of Management Fellow. He is also the co-chair of the MIT Platform Strategy Summit and the Founder of MusicTech Connect in Atlanta.

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